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What is Castor Oil and how do you use it in a Castor Oil Pack?

What is castor oil? Castor oil comes from the Castor oil Plant (Palma Christi or Ricinus communis L.) The part used: oil expressed cold drawn from the seeds without the aid of heat. Castor oil packs have many uses – from supporting normal pelvic health, lung health, digestion, immune system support, and normal inflammation processes! It is recommended to use the

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Menstruation and how to care for your body.

When it comes to that time of the month, knowing which product to use, or thinking about changing to a new product can be daunting. So I’ve created this chart to show you the good and the bad about the available products. I cover pads, tampons, moon cups, and period underwear! With so many choices, it’s understandable that you may

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Foods To Support Sleep

Today’s topic is foods to support sleep. If you know, anyone who is having trouble sleeping, or you may be having trouble sleeping yourself. Make sure to tag them in this blog and share the love. Why is sleep so important? Sleep! Sleep is important because some of us aren’t getting the right amount! Sleep disturbances are known as insomnia,

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Food Mindset

You may have recently heard me talk about food mindset in the Facebook group Changing Habits. Food mindset is the way we think about food. Food mindset has been an interesting topic in my household at the moment. We have been talking about the different types of food we eat, why we eat it, how much it’s costing us and

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5 Herbs for Anxiety

Herbs for anxiety are one of my favourite topics! I’m a naturopath and medical herbalist which means that I’ve trained for three years to learn all about herbs, and how they can be used medicinally, and also the interactions they have with different medications. This also means that when I say 5 herbs for anxiety, I’ve written about 8 herbs

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How to set your 2021 health goal!

Look at your whole life and reflect on what is working and what isn’t. Is there a gap between where you are and where you want to be? Choose an over arching goal that encompasses this gap – e.g. A gap being “I want clear skin” reality being “my skin is oily and prone to acne”. the overarching goal would

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Vitamin D

Vitamin D is something we should be aware of, especially in New Zealand! Did you know that because of where New Zealand is situated in the world that the level of vitamin D we receive is way below what is needed for optimal health! Vitamin D deficiency is regarded as a mean serum 25(OH)D levels below 25nmol/L for adults with

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IBD- Ulcerative colitis

What is Ulcerative colitis? Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a life long chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that affects the large intestine, specifically the colon. It is an immune-mediated inflammatory condition associated with inflammation of the rectum but can involve, and often does involve other areas of the colon. UC can cause debilitating physical symptoms such as an inflamed rectum, urgency

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World Meditation Day

Meditation, it’s grown in popularity over recent years, what was once seen as a religious practice is now more mainstream and is being practiced by individuals all over the world, whether they are religious or not. So what is meditation and why do so many people and practitioners tell you that you should practice it? Well, depending on your world

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