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What are hormones?

Hormones dance throughout our bodies! They are what help keep us alive! There are more than 50 different hormones that we have and each one has its own functions in the body. You may be reading this post because you are experiencing a problem with your menstruation, however, to get to the bottom of your menstruation issues, we have to

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What Is A Naturopath?

A naturopath is a practitioner educated in naturopathic medicine, which is a distinct medical system that focuses on a person-centred and whole systems approach, naturopathic medicine came from European traditional medicine and American eclectic medicine, combined with modern bioscience. Naturopathic Medicine is founded on the 7 principles of naturopathic philosophy: First, Do No Harm Naturopaths use gentle interventions to get

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5 Herbs for Anxiety

Herbs for anxiety are one of my favourite topics! I’m a naturopath and medical herbalist which means that I’ve trained for three years to learn all about herbs, and how they can be used medicinally, and also the interactions they have with different medications. This also means that when I say 5 herbs for anxiety, I’ve written about 8 herbs

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3 Ways to Stimulate Your Lymphatic System!

I’m going to cover my three top cheap and easy tips to stimulate your lymphatic system. But first, let’s have a look at what your lymphatic system is. The lymphatic system is the process your body uses to take away waste products – these are from chemical reactions that take place in your body, and to fight infection. It is

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Fight or Flight! VS Rest and Digest!

Sympathetic vs parasympathetic nervous system There are two parts to your nervous system, and both are needed to keep you alive! The sympathetic nervous system This is the part or branch of your nervous system that makes your heartbeat, keeps you breathing, helps you wake up in the morning and stay awake all day, is involved in sexual health and

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